Saturday, January 9, 2010

Day 5

Friday morning dawned with more cold, snow and ice. We hated leaving Mommy but had to get underway. We had breakfast together, sang a few of Mommy's favorite hymns for her, kissed her and headed out the door.

We bundled up because we knew we were heading for the mountains and were going to be facing bitter cold. Kandy said we looked like a bunch of Penguins waddling up over the mountains of WV.

After Tweety covered her share of the journey, two and a half miles, she was hot and ready to start peeling off some of her layers. Vicki started noticing that her legs weren't sore and was able to scoot us along another two and a half miles. I think her knowing we're heading toward her grand kids is giving her more motivation. Becky and Joel have adopted children that none of us have met and were recently blessed with the birth of little Halle. We're looking forward to getting to know our new nieces and nephew. It will be fun seeing those eight little ones!

Robin and I threw in a couple more miles and helped drive our Flintstone car across Cheat Lake. The wind was really whistling across that bridge and we moved a little faster to find a wind break.

Pam was telling herself that she was so tired because it was Friday night. She wanted to just put on her robe and be lazy. She remembered the important role she plays in moving our Flintstone car up the mountains. She donned her Eskimo coat and warm boots with winter treads. After about a half mile she pulled her coat off. By the time she reached her second mile she was walking in her bare feet. Pam admitted that she actually wanted to quit after the first mile but knew she had to make up some miles because she felt she had slacked off earlier in the week. Pushing herself made her feel pretty good.

We covered nine and a half miles on Friday. It was snowing so hard it was difficult to see exactly where we'd be for the night. There was finally a break in the snow and we saw we were about a half mile beyond the Fairchance road exit heading east on I-68.

We're grateful we can convert our Flintstone car in to a camper that will sleep the six of us. It would be a cold night.

It's wonderful we six sisters can share this journey. We're having fun creating the tale of our trek. More importantly, we're bonding even closer and motivating one another so we all will be healthier.

We've covered a total of 42 miles together. We're encouraging one another to keep on keepin' on.