Sunday, April 6, 2008


Several months ago my daughter encouraged me to start my own blog. I signed on, set up an account and then.....did nothing. I was intimidated by the whole process. I read the blogs that were posted by my daughter, Chrissy, and her friends and knew I would never be able to write so eloquently. This evening I decided to just do it. I'm not out to win a Pulitzer, for Pete's sake.

I imagine there will be many posts about my grandkids--two adorable little munchkins. I'm in PA, they're in WI. I see them as often as possible and fit lots of loving and spoiling in each visit as I can. The time I spend with them is nothing but sheer joy!

It's not football season so I won't be going off right now about the 'Stillers' or 'Mountaineers'. Had this blog been up and running the end of the football season, I would have made some very unlady-like comments about Michigan and a 'so-called' West Virginia guy.

NASCAR and Dale, Jr. could come up. Sorry, still can't cheer his team mates on and I still get a thrill when #24 hits the wall.

It's just hard to say what may show up on here. Now that I've got this first post under my belt, maybe I won't be so hesitant in the future. So I'm wondering, all you experienced bloggers out there, did you feel intimidated at the beginning, too?

1 comment:

CrS said...

Way to go! This is a great idea for you, Mom. I'm glad you decided to go for it. I have a few resources I can send you to make you less anxious. Welcome to the blogosphere!

BTW, good name. Very appropriate.