Monday, April 14, 2008

A 'Bitter' Pennsylvanian

Obama's words.......“bitter” Pennsylvania voters “cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”

On April 22, Pennsylvania will hold its primary election. According to Obama, I'll walk in to my polling place toting my gun and bible. After all, I am a frustrated, bitter voter. I do own a bible; don't own a gun even though the second amendment gives me the right to do so. And yes, I'm against illegal immigration and feel our borders should be more secure. I'm also against trading goods with countries that abuse workers and export products that endanger the lives and safety of consumers. Especially when our children are brokenhearted when their favorite toy is thrown out because it's a possible health threat.

Obama's sorry IF he offended us with his poor choice of words. How about he's sorry for being an elitist?

Pennsylvania's vote generally leans toward the Democrats. If jobs and industry are leaving, who is at fault?

Hopefully, when the citizens of Pennsylvania vote next Tuesday, Obama's insults won't be forgotten. On the other hand, is Hillary any better? The two of them should pave the way for Pennsylvania to finally choose a Republican in the fall.

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